
Daily Pool Schedule

Please select the activity title to review the activity details or for additional guidelines. Also note the activity location to ensure that the appropriate space is available.


Swindells Pool is a 4 lane x 25m leisure pool with tot area and 2 pool slides (one in tot and one in deep end) and is accessible by all users with ramps for wheelchair access.  The pool temperature is kept at a moderate 32 degrees and is suitable for all leisure and therapeutic activities.

Riley Minue Pool is a 6 lane x 25m lap pool with 1m diving board, tarzan rope & can accommodate inflatable toys. The temperature is kept at 28 degrees as a deeper pool it is suitable for leisure activities for competent swimmers and all aquatic fitness activities. 

Booking an Activity:

  • NEW- Book up to 14 days in advance, please remember to cancel if you are not coming.
  • Only the account owner can book activities on behalf of other members of the group.
  • Please ensure the correct family member is selected from the Participant menu and click GO.
  • You can view your confirmed booking in the My Activities section of your account.

Schedule - Saturday, Jul. 01, 2023

Monday, Jun. 26, 2023

Saturday, Jul. 01, 2023 Special Event Free Swim - Both Pools

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Riley Minue Pool, Swindells Pool

Drop In Only

Saturday, Jul. 01, 2023 Special Event Free Swim - Both Pools

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Riley Minue Pool, Swindells Pool

Drop In Only

Saturday, Jul. 01, 2023 Special Event Free Swim - Both Pools

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Swindells Pool, Riley Minue Pool

Drop In Only